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Uniformity 2018 #12

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Opportunities to Grow Your Career in Transportation

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With so many options, a career in transportation is a smart step for you no matter what stage you are in. At Averitt, we have multiple opportunities to help you fine-tune your skills!

Early-Career Opportunities in Transportation

DAL_Omar_Moreno_dock_to_driver_video_picture choosing-freight-transportation-provider Admin Header Large

Dock-to-Driver Program

Leadership Development

Part-Time Internships

Get paid to work on the dock while learning the skills to earn your CDL. 

3- to 6-month training program designed to prepare trainees for an entry-level leadership opportunity with Averitt.  

Learn about the diverse services we provide while exploring various aspects of the supply chain management cycle.  


1 min read

Celebrating 50 Years Of Professionalism

Celebrating 50 Years Of Professionalism

Our team's professional image has set us apart for 50 years now.

For our associates, our image has helped us create a reputation every associate can take pride in. It helps us hire and retain the best people. Image also sets us apart in the marketplace. Customers want to work with providers who represent them to their customers in a professional way.

The past year has been especially difficult year with COVID, natural disasters, rising business levels and other challenges.  

Even with those challenges, we have achieved some of the most outstanding performance in our team's history. During chaotic times like these, it can be easy to overlook things like image.

We want our image to set us apart in the marketplace for the next 50 years. We need to make it a priority to ensure we are dressed and groomed properly, that our facilities are neat and organized and that our equipment is clean and in good condition. When we insist on a professional image, we instill pride in ourselves, strengthen our relationships with customers and better ensure our long-term future.

With all that in mind, we are announcing a change in our image policy.

Previously, beards and goatees have only been permitted for hourly and mileage associates in the field. We changed that policy a few years back because we believed society's views of facial hair had evolved. Today we are updating the policy to allow for more consistency across our team. Beginning Monday, Aug. 9, we will be permitting beards and goatees for all associates.

We encourage all associates to familiarize yourself with all of our image standards and to make sure you're doing your part to look sharp each day � from head to toe.

As we do that, we'll continue to set the standard for professionalism for the next 50 years and beyond. Thank you for all you do and for helping us maintain our reputation for professionalism.

For more information about our image guidelines, click here.

If you have any questions about our career options, we'd be happy to help you! Call or text 888-AVERITT or send us an email at

Click below to see a list of current open positions in your area!



From the Driver's Seat: Getting the Most Out of Your Clock

From the Driver's Seat: Getting the Most Out of Your Clock

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Frontline Leader Cortney Williams: Turning Referrals into Rewards with People Like You

Frontline Leader Cortney Williams: Turning Referrals into Rewards with People Like You

Cortney Williams began his career with us in October 2022 as a shuttle driver, but within two short years he was promoted to frontline leader of one...

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Winner's Circle: Share the Effort, Share the Reward

Winner's Circle: Share the Effort, Share the Reward

The Winner’s Circle has a new host! Bailey Pennycuff steps into the role and kicks things off in style by welcoming our President, Barry Blakely, for...

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Myth-busting: What You Need to Know About Averitt's Image Policy

Myth-busting: What You Need to Know About Averitt's Image Policy

Sometimes people hear that Averitt has a uniform and image policy and they think they can't join us because they have tattoos or a beard or...

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Averitt Associates are Stitched Together With Pride

Averitt Associates are Stitched Together With Pride

Averitt associates are instantly recognizable by their bright red shirts and sharp overall look, which perfectly pairs with our professional...

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Averitt Social Media Takeover Happening This Week

Averitt Social Media Takeover Happening This Week

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